Comments in CPP


  • Comments are essential components of C++ code that act as developer annotations.
  • They are components of the codebase that are not executable, which means the compiler will not even look at them and they will not affect how the program runs.
  • When the original developer revisits the code later, comments help to clarify the reasoning behind the code, making it easier to understand and maintain for everyone.

Single-line comments: 

  • To produce a single-line comment, use two forward slashes (//). 
  • Anything on the same line that comes after these slashes is interpreted as a comment and is not performed. 
  • These are helpful for providing the reader with quick remarks or clarifications regarding the next line of code.
// Calculate the sum of two numbers
int sum = number1 + number2;

Multi-line Comment: 
  • Comments with multiple lines begin with /* and conclude with */. 
  • They are helpful for commenting out larger descriptions or information blocks that span several lines. 
  • During development or debugging, this kind of comment is also used to temporarily disable code.
  This function calculates the factorial of a number.
  It takes an integer as input and returns the factorial of that number.
  Note: This function assumes that the input is a non-negative integer.
int factorial(int n) {
    // Base case: factorial of 0 is 1
    if (n == 0) return 1;
    // Recursive case: n * factorial of (n-1)
    return n * factorial(n - 1);

  • Comments must to be clear, concise, and relevant to the code.
  • Do not state the obvious; instead, focus on the "why" as opposed to the "what."
  • As the code changes, keep the comments current.
  • When describing complicated code or choices that are not immediately clear from the code alone, use comments.
On the Contrary, Developers have access to strong tools in comments. They help team members work together more effectively and improve comprehension of the code. A project that is enjoyable to work on might become a headache to manage with properly commented code, which can also save hours of misunderstanding. Keep in mind that well-written comments can turn a confusing bit of logic into a software that is manageable and easy to grasp.

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